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Telestrations (aka Gartic Phone)

How does a sketch of a BYU professor devolve into a drawing of Florida? USGA members and friends found out

Thursday night when they played an electronic game of Telestrations. The activity took place at the Provo City Library and was planned by Xochi, the Friends and Allies Chair. 

Participants used their smartphones or tablets to log into the game. Each player wrote a prompt, which the game then sent along to another person so they could interpret it and draw what was described. When they were finished, the game sent their drawing to yet another player to guess the prompt based on the illustration. The cycle continued until every player had contributed to every prompt. 

Some players brought styluses to aid their artistic ability, while others embraced the more chaotic method of free-handing using only their fingers. As the rounds progressed, wacky drawings, befuddling prompts, and hilarity ensued. At the end of the activity, players were able to see step-by-step what became of their prompts as they were passed through the interpretations of nearly twenty participants. Nobody could help but giggle at the ridiculous illustrations and guesses. Many USGA members were impressed with their friends’ drawings, complimenting them on things like storytelling and artistic interpretation.

Maeve Boyack, History Chair for USGA, said, “That activity was the most I've laughed in months! I also loved meeting new people and seeing how many talented artists were around me!”

USGA activities are a perfect opportunity to have fun, relax, and enjoy being part of the queer community. Join us this Thursday for a similarly creative and fun-filled night of blackout poetry!


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