Letter Writing

It’s been a difficult legislative session for members of the LGBTQ+ community and other minorities in Utah. Two bills that threaten Utahns’ wellbeing, the “DEI bill” (HB 261) and “trans bathroom bill” (HB 257), were signed into law by Governor Cox earlier this week. In light of these events, USGA members gathered at the Provo City Library to learn about the bills and take action.
The activity was planned by Intersectionality Chair Thea Manning-Neal. Caleb, Writer for USGA, presented on the impact of the new laws and how to write letters to representatives. Tips shared included addressing the letter to a specific representative, using their correct title, and keeping letters specific and concise. The presentation also offered contact information for government officials and provided directions on how to find and contact one’s specific representatives.
Members of USGA are concerned about the impact of the new laws. Mica, USGA’s Vice President of Committees, said, “As an immigrant, I know firsthand what it's like to be marginalized. My heart and thoughts are with everyone who is affected by these bills. They are destructive and hateful, and will only promote violence and hate in places like classrooms that are supposed to be safe environments to experiment and explore.” Many attendees directed their letters to Utah’s supreme court justices in hopes that aspects of the laws will be overturned when legal challenges inevitably arise.
We at USGA invite everyone to become more involved in the political process. Learn more about the new laws and how to write to representatives with our presentation slides here.