Photo Scavenger Hunt
For USGA’s first big activity of the Fall 2023 semester, the Community Committee led a photo scavenger hunt around Provo City Library. Individuals formed teams and set out on their own adventures, looking for things like a “No Parking” sign or an LGBTQ+ pin.
By going out and adventuring in groups, individuals had the chance to get to know each other and make friends within the queer Provo community. Mara Magill, leadership member and participant, said that she loved “working as a team” and “finding cool things together.”
Not only were people given the option to make new friends, but to make new memories as well!
The activity also gave people time to explore Provo City Library, a beautiful and historic site in Provo. USGA’s Thursday activities are always hosted there, and USGA is very grateful for the opportunity and support. The scavenger hunt allowed people to get to know not just their peers, but the library as well.
USGA is always an exciting journey, and the photo scavenger hunt was no exception.